Il nostro Amico Francisco da Blanes (Girona Costa Brava) Ci ha inviato in questi giorni una mail del suo ultimo ritrovamento, Un Romeo " Con motore Diesel, due cilindri due tempi, alfa Romeo, come quello che il club vecchibulloni ritrovò circa tre anni fa in provincia di Roma ed adesso amgnificamente restaurato dal nostro socio Nicola....riportaimo il testo della mail e una foto del mezzo....
This van was made in Ávila in Spain under Alfa Romeo licence at the end of 1959 by Fadisa ("fábrica de automóviles diesel sociedad anónima", now the owner of this factory are Nissan), is the number 374 of production. In the beginning of 1960, the Alfa 2 cilynder engine was replaced in the production chain by the Perkins 4.99. I also have another van of 1969, like the Romeo 112 the Fadisa Ebro F-100, with this engine.
All his life this van worked in San Sebastián, and the last summer a taxi driver of San Sebastián discovered it in a closed store in the center of the city about to be demolished. The van was in the store 20 years, since 1988.
He bought the van an knows me in an internet forum. He has another wolks wagen van, and he isn´t mechanic and he think that I could be interested in the van.
I have the van in my garage since the 26th of december of 2008, and I´ll start to restore it, it´s in original state of body and mechanic, It has only 32.000 real km, because it was used first to transport corpses of death persons and in the 80´s prisoners to the jail. I suppose that is the reason wath it conserves the original engine, because all of the vans or the 90% of the vans equipped with the alfa romeo diesel engine in Spain, changed it for the perkins 4.99 and even Barreiros Diesel C-60, this last engine like the used in the Tempo´s made under licence in Madrid by Onieva (Tempo-Onieva).
Per completare il restauro servirebbero dei particolari del motore, chiunque abbia la possibilità di aiutarci è pregato di contattarci tramite mail vecchibulloni@gmail.com